Monday, March 25, 2013

Show "Post" count by searching in Wordpress

Sometimes in Wordpress, we need to perform custom search in our blog or site. It is not difficult to perform custom search. When I wanted to show the number of post found after search, I got problem. After google about it, I found the following easy solution.

  echo wp_specialchars($s); // printing the keyword
  $allsearch = &new WP_Query("s=$s&showposts=-1");
  $count = $allsearch->post_count;
  echo ' (' . $count . ') '; // printing the founded post count

I wish this will help you.

Selecting multiple element from a List using Lambda Expression

I was searching an easy way to select multiple entry form a List of objects using Lambda Expression by matching their IDs. It can be done easily using a loop but I don't wanna use a loop in my code just for this. Finally I found it and it is very easy.

Consider you have a List of objects where each object has an field called ID. You want to extracts 5 elements from that List by matching the ID. The size of the list maybe few thousand.

Just use for following code, and you are done

List someListOfIds = new List(700, 1234, 3412, 400, 10); mainlist.Where(x => someListOfIds.Contains(x.ID));

This technique helps us to find few date from the Database by avoiding complex nested query if you don't love writing those query :)